Thursday, September 27, 2007

Niño Predicador

Esto es muy, muy, muy fuerte.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Me gusta mucho ésta artista, se llama Alie Ward. Casi todo su trabajo es sobre madera. Echenle un ojo.


Baby did a bad bad thing
de la BSO de Eyes Wide Shot. Es una gran rola, de Chriss Isaak.

Solo denle click al link, en la página les va a pedir que copien en un cuadrito una clave, esto es solo para verificar que sean humanos. De ahí aparece un cronómetro de aprox. 30 segundos , al terminar le pican a download y tendrán su rola.

Les iré posteando algunas canciones conforme me amanezca. La letra de ésta es muy buena.


Esta cagadísimo el guey que postea en éste blog. Cito: "The bonus poster
I don't think there is a person out there that this doesn't apply to. Heck,
I fall under 10 or 11 categories so I'm certainly doomed. Loved mostly
because of all the different fonts."


BUENISISISISISISISISSIISISISISISIMO. Increible edición de audio y video. Veanlo hasta el final.

Beats Of Boredom from adam deeves on Vimeo.


Hay algunas que se repiten del post anterior relativo a este tema, pero hay muchas más. Están impresionantes.
Pongo ésta pq ha sido, sorprendentemente, la foto que más cara se ha vendido en la historia.
$3,346,456 de dólares en Sothebys, en Febrero de 2007.
La foto es impresionante, pero al final es sólo un supermercado. ¿no? Vean las demás.


Hay fotos increíbles en


En honor a mis vecinos.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007




Buenísima esta página. Varios fotógrafos muy buenos. Además de los masters (hay una pestaña específica para ellos, muchos son o fueron de la agencia Magnum).

El tejedor está increible.

Aimee Mann - Wise Up

Aimee Man es la que hizo el soundtrack de Magnolia de P.T.A. Me gusta muchísimo, el soundtrack es muy, muy, muye bueno, vale la pena comprarlo. Aqui les dejo Wise Up.


Muy buena, veanla con detenimiento.

Monday, September 24, 2007


TEHRAN, Iran—Veiled women learn how to shoot in the outskirts of the city, 1986. © Jean Gaumy

Esta foto me encanta, me recuerda a las pelis de las super vixens de Ross Myers. Y claro, a Faster Pussycat, Kill, Kill.
Una verdadera joya de pelicula. Es idéntico a esto, vean las fotos, nomás que las mujeres están un poco más expuestitas.



Muy buenos estos datos, éste me parece impresionante, si así fuera con los humanos la cosa sería muy diferente. "O tienes sexo conmigo o me muero!" Se imaginan en un antro?

14. A female ferret (hurón) will die if it goes into heat and cannot find a mate.


De varias que leí, ésta fue mi favorita. Se llama Death of a Turtle Association. Por Millard Kaufman. 90 años.

My wife ordered turtle soup which reminded me of something Bing Crosby told me years ago. We were talking I forget about what, but it wasn’t turtles. The 2nd assistant director walked up with a phone.

"For you," he said to Crosby.

Bing took the phone, listened attentively, said, "I'll be right there," and hung up. "That was Gary, one of my twins," he told me. "He's got 2 small turtles and 1 of them died. See you," he said and left.

Next day he was back. "What about the kids and the turtle?" I asked.

"What happened," Bing said, "I stopped on the way home, picked up a cigar box for a coffin and a square of black velvet to line it with. I dug a hole out back and put the turtle in it. We sang songs, the boy said a few words about what a great turtle it had been."

They shed a few tears laughed over stories as they told them. It was a fine funeral, enjoyed by all. To the extent that, when finally it was over, "Daddy," Gary said, "Let's kill the other one."

About the author: At 90 years old, Millard Kaufman might be the oldest debut novelist of all time. He was nominated for screenwriting Academy Awards for Take the High Ground! (1954) and for the legendary Bad Day at Black Rock (1956). He's also the cocreator of Mr. Magoo. His first book, Bowl of Cherries, will be out from McSweeney's Books in September 2007

UN REGALO: BECKET (Napkin Fiction)

La revista Esquire hizo un proyecto que me gustó bastante. Mandó servilletas de papel como a 300 escritores, publicados y en vías de publicar.
De las cuales le regresaron como la mitad, con una historia escrita. La única regla es que cupiera en la servilleta.
Les dejo una aqui pegada. Un regalo para alguien fanatico del afamado dublinés (además que le debía su regalo de cumpleaños). Es "Esperando a Godot" (revisitado). Es de Alexander Moytl, autor de Whiskey Priest. Si no lo alcanzan a leer en la servilleta den click al link y viene transcrita.


Vannesa tiene razón. Está padre lo que hace ésta artista chilena radicada en México. Y entiendo un poco por qué le recordó a Martin Klimas.
Saludos a Roskina.

Marcel Marceau RIP

Pues bueno, RIP, Marceau. Este video está buenísimo. Pues se va uno de los grandes. Y con este, les dejo un chiste que escuche hoy en la mañana en Radio Ibero.
Qué es más chistoso que un bebé muerto?
Un bebe muerto vestido de payaso.
No es de mi autoría, fue Radio UIA homenajeando a M. Marceau. Lo siento, pero me dió risa.


¿Alguien vió ayer al Mago Septién en el programa este "Es de noche y ya llegué"? Impresionante el señor. Cronista deportivo, quizá el mejor. Tiene 90 años, simpatiquísimo y lúcido como el sólo.
Lo vieron? Coquetando con la chava que estaba ahí?f

Friday, September 21, 2007


Buenísimo, link en el título.


No tiene madre lo que hace éste artista alemán. Martin Klimas. Les dejo aqui una entrevista con él.


Por nada del mundo se pierdan ésta página.
REcomendación del blog del Carcass, Reek of Putrefaction. Tampoco se pierdan su blog, es muy enfermo. No más que ésta página, chequen la galería.
Lo mejor de ésta foto es el copy de abajo. "Several succesive pregnancies"


Este es una joya, RIP, Jacques LeFevrier.

#6 - In FRANCE, Jacques LeFevrier left nothing to chance when he decided
to commit suicide. He stood at the top of a tall cliff and tied a noose
around his neck. He tied the other end of the rope to a large rock.
He drank some poison and set fire to his clothes. He even tried to shoot
himself at the last moment. He jumped and fired the pistol. The bullet
missed him completely and cut through the rope above him. Free of the
threat of hanging, he plunged into the sea. The sudden dunking
extinguished the flames and made him vomit the poison. He was dragged
out of the water by a kind fisherman and was taken to a hospital, where
he died of hypothermia.

1999 Darwin Awards

Los Darwin awards (me encanta el nombre) se dan cada año (posthumamente) a la gente que colaboró más con la raza humana al removerse de ella. Les pongo algunos ganadores.
No estoy en el humor de la traducción, así que esperó que hablen inglés aunque sea del interlingua.

#2 - Derrick L. Richards, 28, was charged in April in Minneapolis with
third-degree murder in the death of his beloved cousin, Kenneth E.
Richards. According to police, Derrick suggested a game of Russian
roulette and put a semiautomatic pistol (instead of the more traditional
revolver) to Ken's head and fired.

#5 - MOSCOW, Russia-A drunk security man asked a colleague at the Moscow
bank they were guarding to stab his bulletproof vest to see if it would
protect him against a knife attack. It didn't, and the 25-year-old
guard died of a heart wound. (It's good to see the Russians getting into
the spirit of the Darwin Awards.)


Este artículo está buenísimo. Un tipo llamado Virgil Griffith creó una herramienta para identificar la I.P. desde donde fue cambiada una entrada de la Wikipedia. Encontró varias cosas muy, muy interesantes. Microsoft, Apple, el Vaticano, Exxon, etc... todos cambiaron las entradas para beneficiar sus intereses o afectar los de otros. Les copio aqui abajo varias entradas.
Esto nos hace pensar que tan bien van a funcionar las fuentes de información colaborativas.
En algún lugar había leído que la wikipedia al ser colaborativa, y contrariamente a lo que podemos pensar, tiene menos errores que la enciclopedia británica. El problema viene cuando hay intereses de por medio, como con las grandes corporaciones o las grandes instituciones religiosas.

- Microsoft tried to cover up the XBOX 360 failure rate

- Apple edit Microsoft entries, adding more negative comments about its rival

- Bill Gates revenge? Microsoft edits Apple entries, adding more negative comments about its rival

- The Vatican edits Irish Catholic politician Gerry Adams page

- In the 9/11 Wikipedia article, the NRA added that “Iraq was involved in 9/11”

- Exxon Mobil edits spillages and eco-system destruction from oil spillages article

- FBI edits Guantanamo Bay, removing numerous pictures

- Oil company ChevronTexaco removes informative biodiesel article and deletes a paragraph regarding fines against the company

- Scientology removes criticism and negatives article from Scientology page

- Al Jazeera TV station adds that the foundation of Iraq was just as bad as the Holocaust

- Amnesty International removes negative comments

- Dell Computers deletes negative comments on customer services and removes a passage how the company outsources work to third world countries

- MySpace removes paragraph when their website was hacked

- EA Games deletes whole paragraphs of criticism about employment practices and business methods

- Dog breeding association deletes whole paragraphs about fatal attacks by dogs on humans
- US Republican Party changes the "Post-Saddam" section of the Baath Party article to a different account of the war, changing the language from "US-led occupation" to "US-led liberation"

- Fox News removes all controversial topics against the network from the Fox News page

- News of the World deletes a number of criticism against the paper


Book World lo llama "one of the Seven Wonders of the Web" .

Library Thing es el hi5 o el facebook de las bibliotecas personales. Funciona de la siguiente manera: tu subes tus libros a una biblioteca en línea, basta con tener el título o el ISBN y Librarything lo busca en amazon o en otras bibliotecas, incluso la del congreso.
Los libros son tu perfil, inmediatamente te pone en contacto con otras personas con gustos similares. Aun no lo pruebo, pero incluso por ahí dicen que es "eery" lo acertado que es la página en sus sugerencias.
Lo probaré y les aviso.


Press: Recently there has been an article published in Rolling Stone magazine stating that Day Tripper was about a prostitute, and Norwegian Wood was about a lesbian. What was you're intent when writing these songs?
Paul: We were just trying to write songs about prostitutes and lesbians.

Press: What was the inspiration behind Elenor Rigby?
John: That one's about a couple o' queers!

Press: Does all the adulation from teenage girls affect you?
John: When I feel my head start to swell, I look at Ringo and know perfectly well we're not supermen.

Press: Were you worried about the oversized roughnecks who tried to infiltrate the airport crowd on your arrival?
Ringo: That was us.

Press: What did you think when your airplane's engine began smoking as you landed today?
Ringo: Beatles, women, and children first!

Press: When you do a new song, how do you decide who sings the lead?
John: We just get together and whoever knows most of the words sings the lead.

Press: Where did you think up the hairdos?
Paul: We got them from a German photographer who wore his hair this way.
George: It was while we were in Germany. I went swimming and when I came out I didn't have a comb. So my hair just dried. The others liked it the way it looked, and there we were.
John: We've told so many lies about it we've forgotten.

Press: Why is it that you Ringo get more fan mail than the others?
Ringo: I dunno. I suppose it's because more people write me.


Dicen que cuando los Beatles capturaron al mundo, además de su música, lo que los hizo famosos fueron sus conferencias de prensa. Aqui les dejo algunas citas, si quieren más vayan a ésta página rusa.

Press: Does it bother you that you can't hear what you sing during concerts?
John: No, we don't mind. We've got the records at home.

Press: How did you find America?
John: Turn left at Greenland.

Press: Are you a mod or a rocker?
Ringo: I'm a mocker.

Press: Are you afraid military service might break up your careers?
John: No. There's no draft in England now. We're going to let you do our fighting for us.

Press: Are you going to have a leading lady for the film you're about to make?
Paul: We're trying to get the Queen. She sell in England, you know.

Press: Are you scared when crowds scream at you?
John: More so in Dallas than in other places, perhaps.

Press: Are you wearing wigs or real hair?
Ringo: Hey, where's the police?
Paul: Take her out!
George: Our hair's real. What about yours, lady?

Press: Aren't you tired of all the hocus-pocus? Wouldn't you rather sit on your fat wallets?
Paul: When we get tired we take fat vacations on our fat wallets.

Press: Beethoven figures in one of your songs. What do you think of Beethoven?
Ringo: I love him. Especially his poems.

Press: Can we look forward to any more Beatle movies?
John: Well, there'll be many more but I don't know whether you can look forward to them or not.

Press: Did you really use four letter words on the tourists in the Bahamas?
John: What we actually said was "Gosh".
Paul: We may have also said "Heavens!".
John: Couldn't have said that, Paul. More than four letters.

Press (to George): Did you write "Ringo's Theme"?
George: No, did you? You haven't been reading the little bits of paper, have you, that says who writes "Ringo's Theme"?

Press: Do any of you have ulcers?
George: None that we've noticed.

Press: Do you ever think of getting a haircut?
Paul: No, luv. Do you?

Press: Do you fight amongst yourselves?
John: Only in the mornings.

Press: Do you get much fan mail?
Ringo: We get 2,000 letters a day.
John: We answer every one of them personally.

Press: Do you have any special advice for teenagers?
John: Don't get pimples.

Press: Do you have any special message for Dutch youth?
John: Tell them to buy Beatle records.

Press: Do you like topless bathing suits?
Ringo: We've been wearing them for years.

Press: Do you plan to record any anti-war songs?
John: All our songs are anti-war.

Press: Do you speak french?
Paul: Non.

Press: Do you wear wigs?
John: If we do, they must be the only ones with real dandruff.




Se los pongo en inglés, no estoy como para traducirlo.
Buen viernes. La foto es buenísima.

The photograph attached was taken by the crew on board the Columbia
during its last mission, on a cloudless day.
The picture is of Europe and Africa when the sun is setting.
Half of the picture is in night. The bright dots you see are the cities' lights.

The top part of Africa is the Sahara Desert .

Note that the lights are already on in Holland , Paris , and Barcelona,
and that's it's still daylight in Dublin , London , Lisbon , and Madrid .

The sun is still shining on the Strait of Gibraltar . The Mediterranean Sea is
already in darkness.

In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean you can see the Azores Islands;
below them to the right are the Madeira Islands ; a bit below are the
Canary Islands; and further South, close to the farthest western point
of Africa , are the Cape Verde Islands.

Note that the Sahara is huge and can be seen clearly both during
day time and night time.

To the left, on top, is Greenland , totally frozen.


Monoface está divertidísimo, una vez más, para la gente con mucho, mucho tiempo de sobra en sus manos.


Thursday, September 20, 2007


"Kabbalah helps you confront your fears. Like if a girl borrowed my clothes and never gave them back, and I saw her wearing them months later, I would confront her."
Paris Hilton


Las fotos de Islandia están buenísimas. Chequen el link en el título.



Tuesday, September 18, 2007


"Either that wallpaper goes, or I do."
Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), British dramatist. As he lay dying in Paris


Death by Caffeine

Es una página que calcula cuantas dosis de tu bebida cafeinada preferida es necesaria para matarte. Lo calcula en base a tu peso. Así que para todos los atascados que se meten varios red-bull´s u otras bebidas energéticas. Echenle un ojo.

La buena noticia es que está bastante difícil morir por la ingesta de cafeína.

Para matarme a mi, se necesita lo siguiente:
112 shots de espresso
270 latas de coca-cola
64 cafés de mc donalds (ya me imagino el de Sanborns, creo que con 4)
58 latas de Monster
116 latas de Red Bull
38 latas de uno que se llama Vamp. Es el más fuerte que encontré.

Así que si me llega un paquete con 116 latas de Red Bull entenderé la indirecta y haré lo propio.


Bobby Neel Adams, se dedica entre otras cosas, a hacer estos fotomontajes, es la misma persona a edad 7, y luego unos cuantos años después. Vean su página, es muy buena.
El ling, en el título.


Monday, September 17, 2007


Por recomendación del buen Gonzo, les dejo esta delicia, una verdadera joya. Mullet´s Gallore, por favor no se lo pierdan, vienen fotos, clasificaciones y mucho más. Esta primera foto que escogí al aleatoriamente habla por si misma.
Les presento. Mullet´s Gallore

p.s. vayan a la wikipedia pare ver la definición de Mullet.


Esta semana, a diferencia de la pasada post secret tiene una muy buena selección.


El título dice mucho. Hay muy buenos datos sobre el tema en ésta ilustrativa página. Aprenderán mucho muchachos. Incluso explican la diferencia entre los gases de los hombres y de las mujeres.
El link está en el título.
Por obvias razones no hay foto.


Me gustó esta página. Chequen el que está soldando.


Ron Mueck, artista australiano, seguramente lo han visto, circulo mucho por la web.


Chequen éstas fotos. Chequen las gotas de agua. Es de una página rusa.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Éramos pocos

Dicen que está muy bueno, no lo he visto. Cito:"Este magnífico cortometraje de Borja Cobeaga se hizo con el premio del jurado en la II edición del concurso de cortometrajes "Fotogramas en corto", organizado por la revista Fotogramas en 2006. Estuvo nominado a un Oscar al mejor cortometraje de ficción en los Oscar 2007."


Nutsie ofrece playlists de gente común. Puedes escuchar sus canciones en línea. Nutsie está muy bien, pero lo que me pareció soberbio es ésta lista llamada Celebrity Rehab Chic.
Creo que el título habla por sí mismo.


James Nachtwey. Fotógrafo tremendo. Ésta es de las pocas imagenes que encontré que no te revuelven el estómago, las demás son muy fuertes.
Éste es un joven Xhosa en un ritual en Sudafrica.

Thursday, September 13, 2007



N. creo que anotaste mal tu mail. me lo pones de nuevo?


Muy interesante éste artículo. La foto también, es una foto rarísima de Hitler de muy, muy jóven, cuando Alemania le declaró la guerra a Rusia, pero en la primera guerra mundial!!! Ya desde aqui se le ven las inmensas ganas de hacer la guerra y no el amor.
Chéquense el punto 5, el hitler Bromista. Y el punto 4, muy fuerte. Además el artículo nos cuenta de lo cinéfilo, amante de los canes y chiflador que era el personajito.




Wednesday, September 12, 2007

EPIC 2014

Si tienen más tiempo que perder, vean esta presentación de la historia de los medios, con un vaticinio como hasta el año 2014. Alianzas entre google y amazon, demandas del NYT a Google llevadas a la suprema corte, etc.
Es del Museum of Media History.


De todos los de ésta semana de post secret, creo que éste es el único que me pareció lo suficientemente creativo. Ultimamente han dejado mucho que desear. Creo.



Y ya que estamos en ésto, les pongo aquí mi cuento favorito de Donald Barthelme. "Some of Us Had Been Threatening Our Friend Colby". Vale mucho, mucho la pena.


Abriendo un libro de Donald Barthelme, me encontré un papelito con algo que había escrito hace años. Lo pongo aqui, para compartir lo que escribía hace 10 años, pero sobre todo, para poder tirar el papelito.

Ahí les va. Quíen sabe de donde coños saqué ésto. (ya busque en internet por si lo había plagiado de algún lado!)

"Miro como me miras y me complace mirar cómo me miras y me complace mirarme mirandote mirar cómo me miras. Me miras sin tener la vista fija, como si mis ojos estuvieran en medio de mi cabeza. Me doy cuenta - no se cómo - de que tus ojos no se fijan en mis ojos, tampoco más allá de mi cabeza, sino en medio. Como cuando uno sueña despierto y pierde la mirada"

Ah, y hasta abajo, de cabeza, decía la palabra "Sycophant" (God knows)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


OK, OK, OK...ésta si no me la sabía. El recluido y anti-fotos gran autor Thomas Pynchon, rompió su reclusión para salir en un episodio de los Simpson. Increible, hasta al gran Pynchon le gustan los personajes amarillos. Eso sí, sale con una bolsa de papel cubriéndole la cara. Por lo menos se puede oír su voz y escuchar como pronuncia su nombre.
Ahora si les voy a pegar todo el artículo aqui mismo para que no se lo pierdan.

Literary Titan Thomas Pynchon Breaks 40-Year Silence – on The Simpsons!

By Erik Ketzan

When news broke in July 2003 that Thomas Pynchon would lend his voice to an upcoming episode of The Simpsons, it seemed so surprising, wacky, and surreal, in other words, so trademark Pynchon, that it simply had to be true.
To his most ardent fans, Pynchon is nothing less than a prophet, a literary genius of such prodigious talent that every sentence he writes seems almost gospel, his least utterance a potential revelation. One reader review of Gravity’s Rainbow at sums up the Pynchon cult by declaring: “GR is our new Bible, and Pynchon’s a zany Moses in America.” To these devoted literati, finally hearing Pynchon’s voice is comparable to Moses descending Mount Sinai. While guest stars on The Simpsons are obviously nothing new, Pynchon is unique among authors in that he has maintained absolute privacy throughout his entire career. He has never given an interview, allowed himself to be photographed, or appeared on television, a decision he has stuck by since 1963, when Time sent a photographer to meet Pynchon in Mexico City. (As the story goes, to avoid being caught on film, Pynchon jumped out his window, in good slapstick fashion, and fled to a remote Mexican village.) For decades, Pynchon has so adamantly maintained his aversion to cameras that what pictures of him exist are mostly culled from his 1953 high school yearbook, in which he appears as a buck-toothed kid with a goofy grin and a pompadour.
After the rumor broke in July, speculation about the upcoming Simpsons appearance became rampant. Just what the hell would Pynchon say? What commandments would he bring down from his years of anonymity? Accustomed to the literary games played throughout Pynchon’s postmodern works, there was speculation that the entire gag alluded to his first American ancestor, William Pynchon, who sailed with John Winthrop’s fleet and founded Springfield, Massachusetts in 1630. Some other fans on Pynchon-L, the mailing list frequented by many of Pynchon’s most persistent admirers and critics, were not pleased at the prospect of Pynchon landing in Bart and Lisa’s Springfield, accusing their hero of “selling out” to those corporate forces his books so strongly condemn. But many, like Allen Ruch, co-editor of Spermatikos Logos, relished the tickling absurdity of Pynchon on The Simpsons, posting on Pynchon-L: “Personally, I am psyched that he’s doing it – I could think of no better public forum to first hear the voice of P!”
After much anticipation, on January 25th, Pynchon broke forty years of media silence on Diatribe of a Mad Housewife, a forgettable, though not execrable, Simpsons foray. Inspired to write, Marge pens a novel titled Harpooned Heart, a Moby Dick-era romance featuring Marge as Temperance, a Nantucket housewife whose husband, Captain Mordecai (Homer), is off whaling at sea. Marge’s fantasy is full of decently clever moments (instead of “Call me Ishmael,” her novel humorously begins, “There once was a girl from Nantucket”), but Diatribe of a Mad Housewife’s subplot falls prey to the most notoriously annoying character since The Simpsons lost its edge – “Stupid Homer.” Homer becomes some kind of salesman (it is never clear), then buys an old ambulance for no apparent reason other than its loud, obnoxious siren. Once in his ambulance, he drives around town picking up sick Springfieldians, but inexplicably has no idea where Springfield’s hospital is, leaving patients like the Comic Book Guy in agony on the stretcher (perhaps a swipe at the internet critics he has come to represent?).
After Marge finishes her novel back at home, she finds a publisher who decides that it needs some glowing reviews by famous novelists. Enter Thomas Pynchon, cartoon character. Wearing a paper bag over his head (Pynchon may have broken his silence, but we still have to guess what he looks like now by mentally ageing his high school portrait fifty years), he stands next to a flashing sign, reading, “Thomas Pynchon’s house,” pointing. . . at his house, presumably. On the phone with Marge’s publisher, he says “Here’s your quote. Thomas Pynchon loved this book. Almost as much as he loves cameras,” a reference indicating, with sly sarcasm, that Marge’s book, well, sucks. He hangs up the phone, dons a waffle-board sign reading “Thomas Pynchon” (with a big red arrow pointing up at his head), and yells at passing motorists, “Hey, over here, have your picture taken with a reclusive author! Today only, we’ll throw in a free autograph. But, wait! There’s more!”
Aside from the bit of fun at the idea of the world’s most reclusive author out on the street hawking photo ops, what do we walk with? For starters, now we know how Pynchon pronounces his own last name, “Pinch-AWN” rather than “PINCH-un” (which I have been saying for years). You can tell that he enjoys his lines, delivering them with amateur, though earnest, theatricality. Combined with a pronounced Long Island accent, he comes across as a kindly old man who’s “still crazy after all these years,” as Salman Rushdie put it when reviewing Vineland. It is a voice that fits the mellow, gentler tone of Mason and Dixon, his most recent novel. But what else did this historic appearance mean, if anything?
The answer is under brisk discussion by the Pynchon faithful, who dutifully set their VCRs or joined other acolytes in front of “the Tube,” as it is ominously referred to in Vineland, on the last Sunday in January. Some feel that appearing on The Simpsons, rather than Booknotes, say, or Charlie Rose, was a suitably baffling stunt, but that he should have done it sooner, before The Simpsons began its decline. Many others, accepting or ignoring the episode’s weaknesses, simply enjoyed the ride for what it was worth. Artist Zak Smith, whose “Pictures Showing What Happens on Each Page of Thomas Pynchon’s Novel Gravity’s Rainbow” (a massive collection of over 700 works in various media) goes on exhibit at the 2004 Whitney Biennial in March, responded: “So Pynchon likes The Simpsons, so much he’s willing to poke a hole in his carefully cultivated veil of mystery just for a chance to put in a cameo in the least funny sequence in one of those mediocre ‘Marge-is-right-Homer-is-wrong’ episodes – frankly, I would’ve done the same thing.”
Steven Weisenburger, author of A Gravity’s Rainbow Companion, the essential annotations to Pynchon’s most difficult work, expressed the surprise and pleasure shared by many literati: “Dang! Now we know what the voice behind those words on the page actually sounds like!!” Tim Ware, who runs the extensive resources at, “loved Pynchon goofing on his reputation as a recluse. As many suspect, he’s not so much a recluse as just someone who doesn’t wish to be observed by the Public Eye. Sounded like he had fun doing it and I wouldn’t be surprised if he enjoys The Simpsons’ wacky-heady brand of humor.” Dr. Larry Daw, creator of The Illustrated Complete Summary of Gravity’s Rainbow, a series of over seventy digital collages which will be on exhibit at the “Pynchonalia” conference held this April at The Smithsonian, and also co-editor of Spermatikos Logos, “was a teenie bit disappointed with the brevity of his appearance, but [felt] the contrast between the ‘open house’ he was standing in front of and his true reclusivity was outstanding.”
Pynchon’s stance has been interpreted as an act of rebellion against a certain type of literary criticism, championed by Sainte-Beuve, which interprets literary works through biographical study of the author. His refusal to be “observed by the Public Eye” has also become a thorough repudiation of American celebrity and the corporate forces behind it. In contemporary America, where most Americans would sell their souls to star on reality TV, Pynchon stands almost alone, rejecting the attention, fame, and money which he could easily attain, metaphorically pissing on the corporate boardroom table, like his character, Roger Mexico, near the end of Gravity’s Rainbow. But each of Pynchon’s books blends gravity with levity, and the master seems to have spoken to us to deliver one simple commandment: never take The Simpsons, or Thomas Pynchon, too seriously.


N. ahi te va otro regalito.
Me encantó ésta página. Una compilación de más de 240 autores, con citas, anécdotas, ideas, historias. Buenísimas página de referencia. Deberían de editar un libro.
N. pásame tu msn.

Monday, September 10, 2007


En la segunda guerra mundial, los americanos tuvieron que camuflajear ésta fábrica de aviones para hacerla parecer una especie de plantación, con el fin de protegerla de los ataques japoneses. Muy impresionante. El link está en el título.

Thursday, September 06, 2007


Por favor no se pierdan ésta página, la mayoría son WASP´s trantando de ser raperos gangsteriles. Chequen ésta, muy gangsters pero con las plantitas decorativas en las cortinas.


Ayer acabé de leer Metafísica de los Tubos de Amelie Nothomb. Me encanta. Es ácida e incisiva. Ayer me preguntaba cómo sería estar casado con ella. Mi conclusión, después de mucho darle vueltas, es que sería una pesadilla. Una pesadilla divertida, pero una pesadilla. Me gustó el review de alguien en amazon, que la llama "The queen of the weird". Creo que ese mote dice mucho.
También descubrí que ya había leído el de "El libro de los nombres propios" que me parece el más flojo de los que he leído. Aunque no deja de parecerme bueno.
Ah! Y ayer conseguí una edición bastante accesible de "Los cantos de Maldoror" de el Barón (espurio) de Lautremont. (el tipo era uruguayo!!!). Luego les posteo algo de él. O creo que ya postee?? El principio del libro es maravilloso.
Bueno, que tengan un día tranquilo.Adeu.


Aqui la página de Bryan Berg, el campeón mundial de construcción con cartas. Chequen su galería, esta impresionante. Tiene el record Guinnes de altura, roto, una vez más por el mismo. Lean sus FAQ´s. Está muy simpático. Es arquitecto, pero dice que eso no le sirve de mucho. Que le sirvieron más los tips de su abuelo.
N. donde vives? Espero te haya gustado tu "regalo" de cumpleaños. No encontré el regalo simpático que querías, pero te lo debo.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Cómo era bestia el tipo.

Aqui les dejo "My groupie"

I read last Saturday in the
redwoods outside of Santa Cruz
and I was about 3/4's finished
when I heard a long high scream
and a quite attractive
young girl came running toward me
long gown & divine eyes of fire
and she leaped up on the stage
and screamed: "I WANT YOU!
I told her, "look, get the hell
away from me."
but she kept tearing at my
clothing and throwing herself
at me.
"where were you," I
asked her, "when I was living
on one candy bar a day and
sending short stories to the
Atlantic Monthly?"
she grabbed my balls and almost
twisted them off. her kisses
tasted like shitsoup.
2 women jumped up on the stage
carried her off into the
I could still hear her screams
as I began the next poem.
mabye, I thought, I should have
taken her on stage in front
of all those eyes.
but one can never be sure
whether it's good poetry or
bad acid.



Este es un regalo, yo se que no es nada que te va a hacer reir mucho, pero ahí va de todas maneras. El Rare Book Room es una página maravillosa donde se pueden encontrar los originales scaneados de varios incunables. Está por eejemplo la Biblia de Gutemberg, la Carta Magna, el Boll of Rights, cosas de Darwin, Galileo, Bethoven, etc.
No me dejó copiar las fotos. Pero de todos modos ahí les va el link.
Y pues muchas felicidades! Cuántos cumples, única lectora?





Sorry a mis lectoras del sexo femeníno por las chicas desnudas, pero la foto es muy buena.


Alguien vió "Los 300"?